Welcome to this training module titled “Introduction to LGBTQ+ Identities”.

Over the course of the 10 sub-modules that make up this program, you will gain fundamental knowledge about the diversity of sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. You will learn key concepts such as heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, pansexuality, asexuality, cisidentity, transidentity, non-binary identity, and intersexuality.

Beyond definitions, this module will help you understand the issues and realities experienced by LGBTQ+ individuals. You will explore topics such as mental health, relationships, parenthood, coming-out, discrimination, and the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals.

The objective of this training is to give you the tools to welcome and support LGBTQ+ individuals in your professional coaching practice. You will develop listening, communication, and empathy skills, as well as an ethical and compassionate posture.

Throughout the module, concrete examples, testimonials, and resources will illustrate and deepen the theoretical content. You will be invited to reflect on your own representations and challenge them with the reality of scientific knowledge and the experiences of those concerned.

By following this training, you will contribute to advancing the understanding and inclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals in society. You will become a valuable ally in the fight against discrimination and the promotion of diversity.

We wish you an excellent training, rich in discoveries and learning!