By starting, following, and purchasing any of our courses, the client acknowledges that they have read, understood, and automatically accept all the clauses stated below:

Clause 1: Validity of Certificates
Our training center is accredited by the IPHM and the CMA. However, the validation of these certificates may vary from one country to another. It is the client’s responsibility to verify the validity of these certificates in their own country before any use.

Clause 2: Compliance with Local Regulations
Some techniques taught in our trainings may be regulated in certain countries. It is the client’s responsibility to check the legality of applying these techniques in their country of residence.

Clause 3: Quality and Accuracy of Information
Although we strive to provide quality training, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of all the information transmitted.

Clause 4: Limits of Liability
Under no circumstances shall our training center be held responsible for damages or consequences resulting from the use of the knowledge acquired in our trainings.

Clause 5: Health and Wellness Warning
Our trainings are designed to enrich the knowledge and understanding of clients. They are not intended to replace medical or professional advice.

Clause 6: Client Responsibility
The application of the techniques and methods taught is at the discretion of the client. The training center cannot be held responsible in case of misuse of these learnings.

Clause 7: Limitation of Warranties
Registering for our trainings does not guarantee financial or professional success. In case of dispute, the training center’s liability is limited to the amount paid for the concerned training.

Clause 8: Content Updates
We regularly update the content of our trainings, but we can’t guarantee that each piece of information is current, accurate, or complete.

Clause 9: Emotional Warning
Some trainings may include concepts or exercises that could be emotionally disturbing. We are not responsible for the emotional or mental repercussions these trainings may have.

Clause 10: Technical Access
The training center cannot be held liable if access to our trainings is impossible due to a technical issue, whether internal or external.

Clause 11: Technological Compatibility
We cannot guarantee that our trainings will be accessible on all types of devices or operating systems. It is recommended that the client checks the compatibility of their equipment before enrollment.

Clause 12: Internet Connectivity
Since all trainings are offered online, it is up to the client to have an adequate internet connection. We are not responsible for issues related to insufficient internet connectivity.

Clause 13: Compliance with Registration Conditions
We reserve the right to refuse access to our trainings to any client who does not comply with our terms and conditions of registration.

Clause 14: Acceptance of Risks
By enrolling in a training, the client acknowledges that they participate in these trainings at their own risk.

Clause 15: Use of Artificial Intelligence

Our training center uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to generate images, enhance and rephrase texts, and translations in order to optimize the quality of teaching content. AI allows us to focus on creating and improving the pedagogical content of our training courses.

By enrolling in our training programs, customers acknowledge that the images, content modifications, and translations used in our training have been generated by AI.

This clause is included in the interest of transparency and integrity, to inform customers about the tools we use in the creation and delivery of our trainings. However, the AI tools do not replace human supervision and control, and we ensure a rigorous checking process to make sure the quality of our content is maintained.